
Back in June I dropped out of high-tech corporate culture to pursue an alternate reality I felt more connected with, cleverly coined by those closest to me as #summeroftom. After 16 years of employment I gave 6 weeks notice, which felt like the absolutely longest break-up ever. Each week dragging out and more anticlimactic than the last. Many coworkers praised me for taking such a leap of faith as it's uncommon for anyone with such a tenure to leave the high-tech arena. Honestly, I have nothing but respect and heart felt thanks for all the people and experiences during those years. In the end that environment just wasn't for me anymore. 

As of Friday, June 3rd #summeroftom was on, full force! A light had been switched and my entire frame of mind and daily routine had been turned on its head. I had bought a motorcycle, got a new dog, and planned to hang out with my kids full-time throughout Summer Break, all while starting up my new business—fricken brilliant plan, right?! 

Okay, maybe it was overly ambitions, but if you don't go you'll never know. 

I got my portfolio together and website up within the first few weeks, but everything was feeling a bit chaotic and the stress of the irregular schedule, watching a new puppy, with an 8 and 11 year old, was seeping through the cracks. I was still operating at the frenetic pace I had become so accustom to and it was not serving me or the environment I was trying to create. Luckily I had pre-planned an escape to the Big Island of Hawaii prior to leaving my job. A much needed visit with some of my oldest friends, where we could talk story, eat and drink into the night, and I could just ground out while planning my next steps of unemployment.

When I returned I was much more centered. That short tropical break had rejuvenated me and shortly thereafter my new business had landed its first job. It would be a heck of a lot of work and take the remainder of the Summer to complete, yet somehow that rhythm of freedom—the ability to CREATE the work I'm most passionate about, PLAY with my beautiful friends and family, and CONNECT in magical places—had sparked something I had been missing. 

Surprisingly that rhythm of freedom continued and seemed to gain momentum. Later that month we were invited camping in Big Sur just before the big fire came. A few weeks later we were off to Lake Tahoe, finding time to work in between. And so the Summer went... An unpredictable, unsettling, mind-blowing adventure where somehow everything didn't fall apart.

I have a tremendous amount of gratitude and appreciation for all the people, moments and job opportunities that came together over the last three months. Now that the kids are back in school, Labor Day is upon us and #summeroftom is coming to a close (and as some might joke, verging on the #falloftom), I have gained a higher respect for letting go and trusting in ourselves to bring our visions to life.